Eta Kappa Nu Wins 2011-2012 Outstanding Chapter Award
May 16, 2013
The University of Maryland Gamma Xi Chapter of Eta Kappa Nu, an electrical and computer engineering honor society, received the 2011-2012 Outstanding Chapter Award from the national Eta Kappa Nu organization.
The purpose of the Outstanding Chapter Award is to recognize excellence in college chapters. Qualification for the award is based on a variety of criteria including service activities that improve professional development, raise instructional and institutional standards, encourage scholarship and creativity, provide a public service and further the established goals of IEEE-Eta Kappa Nu.
Eta Kappa Nu is a unique membership organization dedicated to encouraging and recognizing excellence in the electrical and computer engineering field. Members consist of students, alumni, and other professionals who have demonstrated exceptional academic and professional accomplishments. The University of Maryland chapter is currently headed by President Daniel Silversmith and Vice President Jason Arora.
The award plaque was accepted by ECE Department Chair Dr. Rama Chellappa on Eta Kappa Nu's behalf and was presented to Silversmith on May 16th, 2013. The Gamma Xi chapter of Eta Kappa Nu "served the mission to the best of our ability by hosting numerous professional events and by providing public service to the broad engineering community by hosting events open to all engineering majors and by engaging youth in science and engineering through our involvement in Maryland Day," Silversmith said.
Congratulations to the all of the students engaged in this organization and its activities including the 2011-2012 leaders, President Andy Zheng and Vice President Justin Bare.