Maryland Scholarship Day 2013
November 21, 2013
ON DEC. 11, MARYLAND WILL HOST SCHOLARSHIP DAY, a 24-hour giving challenge to support student scholarships across campus. Donors can choose from 17 scholarship funds, including schools and colleges and programs such as the Terrapin Club Scholarship Fund.
To add some friendly competition, the college or school with the most donors in 24 hours will receive matching funds up to $5,000. In total, $20,000 worth of matching funds will be shared with participating scholarship programs.
As a volunteer leader of Maryland, you can encourage others to participate in Scholarship Day. Building awareness in the weeks leading up to Scholarship Day will ensure that no Terp will forget what to do on Dec. 11. Without additional support, $80 million in requests for financial aid won’t be filled this year.
The college or school with the most donors in 24 hours will receive matching funds up to $5,000.
Additionally, getting new alumni to contribute will improve Maryland’s alumni participation percentage and will improve Maryland’s U.S. News & World Report ranking.
Spreading the word will be vital to a successful Scholarship Day, so please do the following to promote the challenge:
- Visit Scholarship today and sign up for a Scholarship Day email reminder.
- Share the promotional graphics, banners and hashtags available on the Spread the Word tab at
- Add the Scholarship Day cover image to your Facebook page.
- Email the attached PDF overview of Scholarship Day to Maryland classmates and friends.
- Be an advocate for your school or college to help win the 24-hour challenge and matching funds.
- On Dec. 11, make a gift and ask your friends and contacts to do the same.
Thank you for being a Scholarship Day Champion
For more information, please contact Brian Logue, senior director of alumni participation, at 301.405.4408 or